Ishe (Eyes)

The Sun will shine through her eyes

Stanley Ezeogu
1 min readDec 13, 2023
Credit: Senater

Dreams rouse him up
Sleep departs his eyes
The watch for the dawn
He waits for the lights of his Sun
To shroud the blindness of night,
To place beauty in sight
And make all things right.

He lauds the eyes that keep burning,
The hopeful rays of the dawn,
Shining in queenly beauty
Over the day that is come,
Full of love’s possibilities
Like his love that is young.

Though the night triumphed over the Moon
And hid hope in its gloom
These visions of the sunrise
Quiet the cry of his teary eyes

If beauty is in the eyes
That behold beauty’s smiles
Then beauty is these eyes
That makes eternal the beholder’s smiles.

Stanley Ezeogu
13th December, 2023

For Senater

Behold, the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, who hope in his merciful love; to rescue their souls from death, to keep them alive in famine. (c.f. Psalms 33:18–19)

